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I am available for your public speaking opportunities:  motivational, educational, or inspirational.  

Let's collaborate!



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Dr. David Williams is a mastermind at navigating the English language. A graduate of Harvard and Brown Universities and former college professor, he engages and captivates all readers with his down-to-earth and funny anecdotes, which assist with learning, life, and laughter.  

You need this book!


Menus are one of the most important representations of your business.  They are typically the first item someone sees when deciding on your restaurant and sometimes the last. Make the impression your business deserves by getting a review of your menu prior to posting online or printing. I welcome the opportunity to edit your menu for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. With over twenty years in the hospitality industry, I have seen the difference a quality menu can make. 

Contact me to discuss cost of services.

Drop me a line with your comments on Grammar Rant and how I can assist you in the future!


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